Raiding Guild
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Post  Cmeptbwins Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:49 am

focused on priests, repost:

Buy Holy Bologna book, go to Dire maul = BEST IN SLOT TRINKET UP TO BWL, in 15minutes tops, completely solo, You can skip everything and just run in here from dm north and get your trinket. ~100gold

Buy Cassandra's Grace ~30gold

Buy Devout Bracers, pick up quest from NPC near Thrall, do the quest in silthus, BAM you got Viruous bracers, 15minutes tops, solo. ~50gold *ENCHANT WITH +24 HEALING*

Abyssal Cloth Pants of Restoration, ~20gold

Abyssal Cloth Slippers of Restoration ~20gold *ENCHANT WITH MINOR SPEED*

Antenna of Invigoration, wand from aq20trash pretty expensive, you will use it for a LONG time ~600gold

Hide of the Wild ~1000gold, _very good cloak_

Solo Gear:

Alterac Valley rewards, no joke.

You get:

Badass offhand
Decent cloak
Decent neck
Decent belt

2-3 man gear:

Mindtap Talisman: Pick up 1-2 friends, enter Dire Maul East, kill the first mob, get the key. Go to Dire Maul West, hug left wall, stay on top level, at the skeleton area there is a miniboss called: Magister Kalendris, kill him until you get as many as you need. <10minutes / run

Mantle of Lost Hope: Go into Blackrock Depths, clear 2-3 packs up to the Areana entrance, stay at door, Lord Roccor patrols here, he drops them. ~10mins / run

Emerald Flame Ring in the DM Library Prince Tortheldrin these, You can skip everything and just run in here from Dire Maul North and kill him <10mins / run.

Rosewine Ring, Urok Doomhowl, 5min run, first ogre boss

5 man gear:

Robes of the Exalted: Stratholme endboss, Baron ~30mins-3hours /run depending on group *ENCHANT WITH +100 MANA*

Hands of the Exalted Herald: Blackrock Depths endboss, Emperor, 30mins-3hours /run same as above *ENCHANT WITH +30 HEALING*

You have all of the above, beleive me, You already look beautyful on our MC / BWL raids!
What else can be done you may ask?


Throw a /w to Kaktus, for a small tip he will craft you:
Sylvan Chest 30NR +100HP ENCHANT
Sylvan Crown 30NR
Sylvan Shoulders 20NR
Gaea's Embrace 20NR +15NR ENCHANT

Get a random melee dps friend, enter Maraudon Orange side (the one full of plants):

2x Heart of Noxxion 10 NR
Noxious Shooter 5 NR

Chloromesh Girdle 20NR
Vinerot Sandals 12NR

= 162 NR,
crafted pieces at the moment is _THE MINIMUM_, without the sylvan set and the cloak you are useless on our AQ40 raids aka no chance to ever pass your trial or even get a shot at it.


If you plan to raid with raptors as a healer you will need around 250g for every raid, that means with 3 raids a week = 750g at the moment, wich is a BARE MINIMUM.

Flask of Distilled Wisdom: you keep the buff even if you die /w Cmeptbwins 100g for guildmates x2 needed
Major Mana Potion: Alot. /w Cmeptbwins 10g/stack for guildmates, USE THEM x5 needed
Demonic Rune: Felwood, Jadefire Run, high droprate, sadly BoP items
Mageblood Potion: 12 mp5 ~40g/5pieces
Elixir of Greater Intellect: +25 int ~40g/5pieces
Elixir of the Sages: +15 spi ~30g/5pieces
Sagefish Delight: 6 mp5 food ~80g/20pieces
Scroll of Spirit IV +15 spi ONLY stacks with 1hour spi buff
Scroll of Intellect IV +16 in ONLY stacks with 1hour int buff
Brilliant Mana Oil 12 mp5, 1hour, keep it when you die, ~20g/5pieces
*Greater Nature Protection Potion ~60-70g/5pieces* ~Two stacks / AQ40


Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-12-06
Age : 39

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